#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # PythonTidyWrapper.py # 2007 Mar 06 . ccr # 2010 Sep 08 . ccr . Add JAVA_STYLE_LIST_DEDENT. # 2010 Mar 16 . ccr . Add KEEP_UNASSIGNED_CONSTANTS and PARENTHESIZE_TUPLE_DISPLAY. # 2007 May 25 . ccr . Changed MAX_SEPS. Add WRAP_DOC_STRINGS and DOC_TAB_REPLACEMENT. # 2007 May 01 . ccr . Added SINGLE_QUOTED_STRINGS. """Wrap PythonTidy.py with a configuration file. The name of the file containing the input Python script may be supplied. If it is \"-\" or omitted, the input will be read from standard input. The name of a file to contain the output Python script may be supplied. If it is \"-\" or omitted, the output will be written to standard output. """ from __future__ import division import sys import os import optparse PY_VER = sys.version if PY_VER[:3] in ['2.5', '2.6', '2.7']: # 2009 Oct 26 import xml.etree.ElementTree ElementTree = xml.etree.ElementTree else: import elementtree.ElementTree # from http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm ElementTree = elementtree.ElementTree import PythonTidy ZERO = 0 SPACE = ' ' NULL = '' NA = -1 class XmlFile(ElementTree.ElementTree): """XML document. """ def __init__( self, file=None, tag='global', **extra ): if isinstance(file, basestring): file = os.path.expanduser(file) if file is None: top_level_elt = XmlList(tag=tag, **extra) top_level_elt.text = top_level_elt.tail = '\n' ElementTree.ElementTree.__init__(self, element=top_level_elt) else: ElementTree.ElementTree.__init__(self) self.parse(source=file, parser=ElementTree.XMLTreeBuilder(target=ElementTree.TreeBuilder(XmlList))) return def count(self, tag=None): return self.getroot().count(tag=tag) def write(self, file): if isinstance(file, basestring): file = os.path.expanduser(file) return ElementTree.ElementTree.write(self, file) def append(self, xml_elt): return self.getroot().append(xml_elt) def sort(self, tag=None, key_name='id'): return self.getroot().sort(tag=tag, key_name=key_name) def index(self, tag=None, key_name='id'): return self.getroot().index(tag=tag, key_name=key_name) class XmlElt(ElementTree._ElementInterface): """XML element with attrib, text, and tail. """ def __init__( self, tag, attrib={}, **extra ): attrib = attrib.copy() attrib.update(extra) ElementTree._ElementInterface.__init__(self, tag=tag, attrib=attrib) return def __str__(self): return ElementTree.tostring(self) class XmlList(XmlElt): """Subclass an XML eltement to perform summary statistics on and retrieve lists (or dicts) of its children. """ def count(self, tag=None): result = ZERO for child in self: if tag in [None, child.tag]: result += 1 return result def sort(self, tag=None, key_name='id'): result = [(child.attrib[key_name], child) for child in self if tag in [None, child.tag]] result.sort() return result def index(self, tag=None, key_name='id'): result = {} for child in self: if tag in [None, child.tag]: insert(result, child.attrib[key_name], child) return result class Config(XmlFile): """Configuration parameters. """ def __init__( self, file=None, tag='config', **extra ): XmlFile.__init__(self, file=file, tag=tag, **extra) self.root = self.getroot() return def get_global(self, name): return getattr(PythonTidy, name) def set_global(self, name, value): setattr(PythonTidy, name, value) return self def from_pythontidy_namespace(self): repertoire = [ ('COL_LIMIT', 'Width of output lines in characters.', 'int' ), ('INDENTATION', 'String used to indent lines.'), ('ASSIGNMENT', 'This is how the assignment operator is to appear.'), ('FUNCTION_PARAM_ASSIGNMENT', '... but this is how function-parameter assignment should appear.' ), ('FUNCTION_PARAM_SEP', 'This is how function parameters are separated.'), ('LIST_SEP', '... and this is how list items are separated.' ), ('SUBSCRIPT_SEP', '... and this is how subscripts are separated.'), ('DICT_COLON', 'This separates dictionary keys from values.' ), ('SLICE_COLON', '... but this separates the start:end indices of slices.' ), ('COMMENT_PREFIX', 'This is the sentinel that marks the beginning of a commentary string.' ), ('SHEBANG', 'Hashbang, a line-one comment naming the Python interpreter to Unix shells.' ), ('CODING', 'The output character encoding (codec).'), ('CODING_SPEC', """Source file encoding. The %s in the value (if any) is replaced by the value of CODING.""", 'replace', 'CODING'), ('BOILERPLATE', """Standard code block (if any). This is inserted after the module doc string on output."""), ('BLANK_LINE', 'This is how a blank line is to appear (up to the newline character).' ), ('KEEP_BLANK_LINES', 'If true, preserve one blank where blank(s) are encountered.' , 'bool'), ('ADD_BLANK_LINES_AROUND_COMMENTS', 'If true, set off comment blocks with blanks.', 'bool'), ('MAX_SEPS_FUNC_DEF', 'Split lines containing longer function definitions.', 'int'), ('MAX_SEPS_FUNC_REF', 'Split lines containing longer function calls.', 'int'), ('MAX_SEPS_SERIES', 'Split lines containing longer lists or tuples.', 'int'), ('MAX_SEPS_DICT', 'Split lines containing longer dictionary definitions.', 'int'), ('MAX_LINES_BEFORE_SPLIT_LIT', 'Split string literals containing more newline characters.' , 'int'), ('LEFT_MARGIN', 'This is how the left margin is to appear.' ), ('LEFTJUST_DOC_STRINGS', 'If true, left justify doc strings.', 'bool'), ('WRAP_DOC_STRINGS', 'If true, wrap doc strings to COL_LIMIT.', 'bool'), ('DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRINGS', 'If true, use quotes instead of apostrophes for string literals.' , 'bool'), ('SINGLE_QUOTED_STRINGS', 'If true, use apostrophes instead of quotes for string literals.' , 'bool'), ('RECODE_STRINGS', """If true, try to decode strings. Attempt to use the character encoding specified in the input (if any).""", 'bool'), ('OVERRIDE_NEWLINE', """This is how the newline sequence should appear. Normally, the first thing that looks like a newline sequence on input is captured and used at the end of every line of output. If this is not satisfactory, the desired output newline sequence may be specified here."""), ('CAN_SPLIT_STRINGS', 'If true, longer strings are split at the COL_LIMIT.', 'bool'), ('DOC_TAB_REPLACEMENT', 'This literal replaces tab characters in doc strings and comments.' ), ('KEEP_UNASSIGNED_CONSTANTS', """Optionally preserve unassigned constants so that code to be tidied may contain blocks of commented-out lines that have been no-op'ed with leading and trailing triple quotes. Python scripts may declare constants without assigning them to a variables, but PythonTidy considers this wasteful and normally elides them.""", 'bool'), ('PARENTHESIZE_TUPLE_DISPLAY', """Optionally omit parentheses around tuples, which are superfluous after all. Normal PythonTidy behavior will be still to include them as a sort of tuple display analogous to list displays, dict displays, and yet-to-come set displays.""", 'bool'), ('JAVA_STYLE_LIST_DEDENT', """When PythonTidy splits longer lines because MAX_SEPS are exceeded, the statement normally is closed before the margin is restored. The closing bracket, brace, or parenthesis is placed at the current indent level. This looks ugly to \"C\" programmers. When JAVA_STYLE_LIST_DEDENT is True, the closing bracket, brace, or parenthesis is brought back left to the indent level of the enclosing statement.""", 'bool'), ] for parm in repertoire: self.set_parm_from_namespace(*parm) repertoire = [ ('LOCAL_NAME_SCRIPT', """The following are name-transformation functions used on output to filter the local-variable names.""" ), ('GLOBAL_NAME_SCRIPT', """The following are name-transformation functions used on output to filter the global-variable names.""" ), ('CLASS_NAME_SCRIPT', """The following are name-transformation functions used on output to filter class names.""" ), ('FUNCTION_NAME_SCRIPT', """The following are name-transformation functions used on output to filter function names.""" ), ('FORMAL_PARAM_NAME_SCRIPT', """The following are name-transformation functions used on output to filter function-parameter names.""" ), ('ATTR_NAME_SCRIPT', """The following are name-transformation functions used on output to filter class-attribute names.""" ), ] for parm in repertoire: self.set_script_from_namespace(*parm) for parm in PythonTidy.SUBSTITUTE_FOR.iteritems(): self.set_substitutions_from_namespace(*parm) return self def set_parm_from_namespace( self, name, desc, type=None, replacement=None, ): value = self.get_global(name) if type is None: if value is None: value = 'None' elif type == 'int': value = 'int(%s)' % value elif type == 'bool': value = 'bool(%s)' % value elif type == 'replace': target = self.get_global(replacement) value = value.replace(target, '%s') value = 'str.replace(%s, "%%s", PythonTidy.%s)' \ % (repr(value), replacement) else: raise NotImplementedError elt = XmlList(tag='parm', name=name, value=value) elt.tail = ''' %s ''' % desc.strip() self.append(elt) return self def set_script_from_namespace(self, name, desc): group = XmlList(tag='script', name=name) group.text = ''' %s ''' % desc.strip() group.tail = ''' ''' value = self.get_global(name) if value is None: pass else: for function in value: elt = XmlList(tag='xform', name=function.__name__) elt.tail = '\n' group.append(elt) self.append(group) return self def set_substitutions_from_namespace(self, target, replacement): elt = XmlList(tag='substitute', target=target, replacement=replacement) elt.tail = '\n' self.append(elt) return self def to_pythontidy_namespace(self): for elt in self.root.findall('parm'): self.get_parm_to_namespace(elt) for elt in self.root.findall('script'): self.get_script_to_namespace(elt) substitutions = self.root.findall('substitute') if substitutions: PythonTidy.SUBSTITUTE_FOR = {} for elt in substitutions: self.get_substitutions_to_namespace(elt) return self def get_parm_to_namespace(self, elt): name = elt.attrib['name'] value = elt.attrib['value'] if value.startswith('int('): value = eval(value) elif value.startswith('bool('): value = eval(value) elif value.startswith('str.replace('): value = eval(value) elif value == 'None': value = None self.set_global(name, value) return self def get_script_to_namespace(self, group): name = group.attrib['name'] result = [] self.set_global(name, result) for elt in group.findall('xform'): name = elt.attrib['name'] result.append(self.get_global(name)) return self def get_substitutions_to_namespace(self, elt): target = elt.attrib['target'] replacement = elt.attrib['replacement'] PythonTidy.SUBSTITUTE_FOR[target] = replacement return self PARSER = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] [input [output]]' , description=__doc__) PARSER.add_option('-u', '--ini_file', help='''Read configuration parameters from an ini_file.''' , default=None) PARSER.add_option('-U', '--dump', help='''Dump default PythonTidy configuration parameters out to a file.''' , default=None) (OPTS, ARGS) = PARSER.parse_args() if len(ARGS) > 2: PARSER.error('At most, only two arguments are allowed.') if len(ARGS) > 1: FILE_OUTPUT = ARGS[1] else: FILE_OUTPUT = '-' if FILE_OUTPUT in ['-']: FILE_OUTPUT = sys.stdout if len(ARGS) > ZERO: FILE_INPUT = ARGS[ZERO] else: FILE_INPUT = '-' if FILE_INPUT in ['-']: FILE_INPUT = sys.stdin if OPTS.dump is None: pass else: CONFIG = Config() CONFIG.from_pythontidy_namespace() CONFIG.write(file=OPTS.dump) sys.exit('Dump complete!') if OPTS.ini_file is None: pass else: CONFIG = Config(file=OPTS.ini_file) CONFIG.to_pythontidy_namespace() del CONFIG PythonTidy.tidy_up(FILE_INPUT, FILE_OUTPUT) # Fin